QE2 will go out with a bang

/, Cruise Ships/QE2 will go out with a bang

The most famous ship in the world, Cunard’s QE2, sails out of her home port
of Southampton for the final time on Tuesday November 11, and she’s not
going quietly.
She will cast off from her berth at the Queen Elizabeth II terminal at 7.15
pm and will then proceed astern to Mayflower Park for a firework display
before she heads off down the Solent at 8.00 pm, whistle blowing loudly,
and accompanied by a flotilla of small boats.
There will be a day of events, on board and ashore, to mark her departure
for Dubai, where she will begin a new career as a floating hotel.

A million poppies will be dropped over the ship from a Tiger Moth at 11.00
am, to mark Remembrance Day and also the QE2’s contribution to the
Falklands War in 1982.
At about 1.40 pm a sole Harrier jump jet from Falklands campaign No. 1 (F) Squadron will fly past, and perform a dignified bow off her stern, and there will be a sailpast by three Royal Navy patrol boats, HMS Blazer, HMS Puncher and HMS Tracker.
The Silver Beatles will be performing in stage in Mayflower Park, and in the evening, a message from QE2’s Captain, Ian McNaught, will be broadcast on a big screen.
The highlight of the day on board will be a visit from HRH the Duke of
Edinburgh, who will be making his seventh and final visit to the ship.
After observing the two minutes’ silence at 11.00 am, Prince Philip will
tour the bridge, the ship’s hospital and the engine control room before
attending a reception in the Queen’s Room and then lunch in the Caronia
I shall be on board during the day and will report back on this blog.

By | 2017-06-15T16:00:51+00:00 6 November 2008|Cruise News, Cruise Ships|0 Comments

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.

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