How best to occupy spare time when not at sea? One way is by reading about cruising, or planning the next voyage. And a useful friend for doing that arrived in the post this morning.
The April/May issue of Cruise International dropped through the letter-box, and I began devouring its 100 pages immediately.
Launched only in December, the glossy mag is essential reading for veteran sailors and cruise virgins alike. The latest issue includes a fascinating look at life on board the Queen Mary 2 by Gary Buchanan, and a glorious account of a river cruise on the Rhone by Sue Bryant – two writers who have sailed often enough to develop healthy sea legs.
There’s also a delightful description of a family cruise in the Mediterranean on board MSC Poesia, by Dina Cain, sailing for the first time after many years resisting the pleas of her husband Barry, who edited a cruise trade magazine.
All this, plus articles on Alaska, the Baltic, speciality restaurants at sea, a chance to win a £1,500 river cruise for two, and much, much more. Such a shame it will be another two months before the next issue.
Cruise International is available from good newsagents for £3.75, or by subscription. Take a look at their website.
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