The threat of pirate attacks is forcing MSC Melody to make a 400-mile diversion on its three-week voyage from South Africa to Italy which departs today..
The 1,080-passenger ship, the oldest in MSC’s fleet, is returning from Durban to the Mediterranean for a season of summer cruises.
Somali pirates have captured a number of merchant vessels recently, most notably the container ship Maersk Alabama, whose captain was held hostage for five days before being rescued by US Navy SEALS.
The Melody, sailing to Reunion, Mauritius and the Seychelles, will stay well clear of the Somalian coast and miss out a planned stop at Safaga in Egypt, but will continue through the Gulf of Aden en route to Aqaba and the Red Sea port of Sokhna. It transits the Suez Canal before reaching Naples and Genoa.
The duration of the cruise remains unchanged, at 22 days.
Oh what a pity – being attacked by pirates is about the only interesting thing that’s likely to happen during 22 days of snoozing, sorry I mean cruising.
Land lubber Bob
Well said Bobbo. I take it that means even more time at sea and less time in port then!
In an area called ‘Pirate Alley’ no less. Talk about your self fulfilling prophecies.
Heard MSC MELODY was attacked this morning.. Is this true? Nothing on the news yet?
Thanks, MM. Yes, you’re correct, Melody has fought off a pirate attack. See my report