If you hear of any strange happenings in the English Channel over the next couple of days, then don’t be too surprised – illusionist extraordinaire Derren Brown is entertaining and no doubt bemusing passengers on board P&O cruise ship Aurora.
Fresh from tricking a huge TV audience into believing he had predicted the National Lottery numbers, Brown will be performing two 45-minute shows in the ship’s Curzon Theatre during the cruise which left Southampton today and will be calling at Zeebrugge and Le Havre. Surely that means he will have to put together two completely different shows, because the theatre will not hold all 1,800 passengers at once, and those at the first performance will be talking of nothing else the next day.
And it’s probably a good job the cruise is staying close to home – you wouldn’t want to go anywhere near the Bermuda Triangle with Brown, would you?
Especially if you turn to Twitter and see that within a few short hours of boarding he has been to areas off-limits to passengers and has discovered a door marked “mortuary” and a sign reading “dirty lift.”
His first impressions? “Everyone – crew and passengers – seem really lovely. Like a big family. Still a bit daunted by the pressure.”
With all his TV wizardy, he’s not convinced he’ll make a good sailor. “Forgive me if no Tweets til Saturday. Friday hellish busy, probably seasick and offline until then. Enjoy life, land-lubbers,” he says.
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