It can’t be much fun for passengers when mishaps or misfortune bring their long-awaited cruise to a premature end. The 1,800 who boarded Celebrity Century in Barcelona on Wednesday looking forward to a 12-night holiday in the Mediterranean now find themselves stranded in Villefranche on the French Riviera.
The ship’s rudders have been damaged and the cruise has been cancelled so that dry-dock repairs can be carried out – bringing its final European cruise of the season to a premature end.
The engineering work should be completed in time for its re-positioning transatlantic crossing to Miami scheduled to depart on October 25.
In compensation, passengers will be receiving a complete refund of their fares, plus a 25 per cent discount on any future cruise with Celebrity.
There are far worse places to be stuck than Villefranche, believe me. The town itself is fascinating enough – the Rolling Stones chose to record Exile on Main Street there nearly 40 years ago – and it’s just a short train ride from Monte Carlo and Nice.
Except that French railways are affected by strike action at the moment, and it looks like many of the passengers face a 10-hour journey by road to Barcelona before they can continue their journeys home.
Celebrity have not yet disclosed the cause of the rudder damage.
Century is the second cruise ship undergoing repairs in the Med. Seven Seas Voyager, operated by Regent, is expected to be out of action until the end of the month so repairs can be carried out to one of its pod propulsion units.
Two cruises have been cancelled while the work is undertaken in Genoa, Italy.
What a nightmare! My parents and their friends are on the celebrity cruise line. They got to there first port, and were told to get off. The rudder on the boat is broken. But oh yeah ! we will get you… A Ten hour bus ride back to Spain. Where you just came from, and then we will be so good to send you back where you just flew your 14 hr flight back across the country. Wow… I’m so thankful they’ll give them back there money for there trip. Especially the discount of 25 percent on there next booking. What person gets another two weeks off to turn around and try this ground hogs day all over again? Sign me up!
We have been advised by Celebrity Cruises that a full refund does not include the flights, despite booking a fly/cruise package. We shall be £500 out of pocket, so not impressed.
I was on this cruise. The lack of information was appalling. No one seemed in charge and conflicting information was often given.
In addition, unless you booked with the cruiseline, you were on your own to make your own travel arrangements. Given the limited internet access and spotty phone service from the boat, this became a difficult exercise as well.
Celebrity Cruises has not offered to cover airfare to and from Europe and it is unclear what other options will be available to the passengers.
Not impressed with the overall response. It does give one pause as to what would occur if there was actually an emergency that required instant action. Based on the confusion surrounding this situation, not sure I could trust them for a more serious incident.
We were told that our refund would be paid in 10 days, it is now 50 days later and not a word or a cent from Celebrity!
Annette, I have spoken to Celebrity in the UK, who tell me that as you are a US customer, your refund would be dealt with by the US office. They have checked with the accounts department, whose records show you have been paid. If you have not received it, I suggest you contact the US customer service team direct.