Majestic week of peace in Scotland

//Majestic week of peace in Scotland

Captain Greybeard may be disappearing from the radar for a few days – I shall be cruising around the isle of Mull on board a converted trawler carrying just 11 passengers and a crew of four. Rather different from my recent trips on Diamond Princess and Balmoral, and a world away my forthcoming visits to Queen Elizabeth and Allure of the Seas.
There’s no internet access on the boat, and after days spent clambering in and out of the tender to go ashore, and walking on the beach at Calgary or in the wildlife sanctuaries of the Treshnish isles, I am more likely to be sitting down to a freshly-cooked dinner and sampling a few glasses of single malt than going in search of a wi-fi hot spot in Tobermory.
Especially as I discovered this week that the Majestic Line, with whom I’ll be sailing, has been nominated for “Best Use of Local Food and Drink” in the Williamson Foodservice Highlands and Islands awards.
I know this is Scotland, but I don’t think we’re talking deep-fried pizzas here. No, I’ll be looking for Loch Fyne oysters, meat from Montgomery’s butchers in Dunoon, and venison from deer shot by Winston Churchill in the wilds of the Cowal peninsula.
A selection from Majestic ‘s Galley Cookbook already has my mouth watering: Rosie’s slow-roasted lamb with Inverawe wild garlic sauce and Stephen’s chocolate and malt whisky tart with almond crust sound tempting, although I’m less sure about Gary’s steamed mussels with bilgewater gin, cream and sage.
Majestic, who were awarded Best Visitor Experience in the Highlands and Islands 2009 Tourism Awards, has also been nominated for the Visit Scotland “Extra Mile Award” in the Thistle awards. The company operates two vessels, Glen Tarsan, which I’ll be boarding in Oban, and Glen Massan.
The boats are just 85-ft long and some of the cabins are in the former fish holds – though I am promised that none of the aroma remains.
I’ll be back in a week or so with full reports and pictures. And if I get the chance I might well post the odd Tweet or Twitterpic. Don’t go away.

By | 2010-10-01T14:45:04+00:00 1 October 2010|Cruise Destinations|1 Comment

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.

One Comment

  1. Andrew 19 November 2010 at 7:45 pm - Reply

    I had the best holiday of my life when i rented a holiday cottage in Scotland but I will certainly consider staying on a converted trawler the next time.

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