Royal Command for Blue Man Group?

//Royal Command for Blue Man Group?

blue men.jpgI did a double take when I saw this picture in the excellent – and very thorough – introduction to Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth written by maritime historian and author Peter Knego.
Had The Blue Man Group defected from Norwegian Epic in order to disrupt the genteel ritual of afternoon teas and provide anarchic entertainment by Royal Command in the Queen’s Room?
The Blue Men are, in fact, Cunard president Peter Shanks (right), actor and Princes’ Trust ambassador Sir Ben Kingsley (left) and someone in the middle I have not been able to identify. My eyes were deceived by a trick of the spotlight.

By | 2017-06-15T16:00:19+00:00 19 October 2010|Cruise Entertainment|3 Comments

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.


  1. Xavier DELANNOY 19 October 2010 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    The man in the middle is Chris Wells, Queen Elizabeth commanding officer.

  2. Carolyn Spencer Brown 19 October 2010 at 7:26 pm - Reply

    Fabulous photo and yes, I just did a double-take on it!

  3. Gabrielle 20 October 2010 at 4:18 am - Reply

    double- take all round! that was the “before” pic- what about “after” a few glasses or two?

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