Virtual crossing is a Facebook hit

//Virtual crossing is a Facebook hit

dogonqm2.jpgFor many, a Transatlantic crossing is the purest form of cruising there are no ports of call to interrupt the pleasure of being on board a ship for seven days (or more) sailing between Southampton and New York.
There’s all the time in the world, with nothing to do and not enough time to do it in, especially travelling westbound, when the time changes give you an extra hour on five days.
In fact there’s no shortage of activities to keep you occupied, even if the wind across your balcony as the ship ploughs through the grey seas of the north Atlantic is not conducive to sunbathing.
Want to share the experience from the comfort of your home? Then there’s still chance to join a virtual crossing aboard Queen Mary 2 by going to Cunard’s Facebook page. You can even join in by suggesting what the actual passenger should do on her virtual voyage.
Taking place in real time, the activities and suggestions posted reflect what is actually happening on the ship, and respondents are busy deciding which of the many options they wish to sample.
In the afternoon, for example, some may decide to take afternoon tea while others opt to listen to a lecture or visit the planetarium. In the evening, they can suggest which restaurant to dine in, and even what to wear.
During the day, the virtual traveller gets a chance to tour the ship and meet fellow passengers, such as this aristocratic-looking pooch in Queen Mary 2’s unique kennels (above).
Cunard’s President and Managing Director, Peter Shanks, ” when we set out we had no idea what the response might be. It turns out to be very enthusiastic, with many people experiencing and interacting with us on this virtual crossing. If nothing else, it brings home to people who have yet to make this iconic trip in reality just how much there is to do on a transatlantic crossing.”
To join in, go to But be quick – the crossing ends tomorrow.

By | 2017-06-15T16:00:17+00:00 7 November 2010|Cruise Entertainment|0 Comments

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.

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