Follow me to the Disney Dream

//Follow me to the Disney Dream

Disney_Dream_Arrival_003_JPG_81754_500w.jpgI’m in Florida this week, and looking forward to the christening of Disney Dream. Not only will I be at the ceremony in Port Canaveral on Wednesday morning, I’ll also be joining the ship for a two-day cruise to the private resort of Castaway Cay in the Bahamas.
As if that’s not enough, on Tuesday I’ll be given a preview of the new Wild Africa Trek at Walt Disney World in Orlando. If I survive the crocodiles and the hippos, I want to be in the front row to see who has the privilege of being fairy godmother to Disney Dream.
No clues yet, but last time Disney had a new cruise ship – and that was Disney Wonder in 1999 – Tinkerbell was the lucky character.
There’s a sneaking suspicion that more than one person might be involved on Wednesday, but whether that means it will be Snow White and the Seven Dwarves – or even the 101 Dalmations – no-one is saying.
Whatever happens, it’s going to be fun, and I reckon I’ve got a better deal with the weather than back home in England, too.
But I’m not here to enjoy myself; I’ll be slaving away to keep you up to date with the week’s events. Check back for updates.

By | 2017-06-15T16:00:12+00:00 18 January 2011|Cruise News|0 Comments

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.

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