I saw three ships come sailing in

/, Cruise Ships/I saw three ships come sailing in

There will soon be plenty of pictures – and videos – of the celebrations in New York to mark the gathering of Cunard ships Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth.
In the meantime, here’s an impressive shot of the ships arriving this morning. Victoria ied the way under the Verrazano Bridge, with Elizabeth next and the QM2 bringing up the rear.
My thanks to Scott, who is fortunate enough to live in an apartment across the Hudson River from the Manhattan piers and was up soon after 4.00 am to record the arrival. He has never been on a cruise, but he has an impressive collection of pictures of ships in New York on Flickr, and a superb set of videos on YouTube.

By | 2017-06-15T16:00:13+00:00 13 January 2011|Cruise Destinations, Cruise Ships|0 Comments

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.

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