Cunard’s first wedding at sea

//Cunard’s first wedding at sea

weddingqm2.jpgIt’s not just President Bush and his wife making waves on board Queen Mary 2 this week – the ship has also hosted its first wedding at sea.
Denise Holding and Barry Maloney, who run the Accrington Riding Centre in Lancashire, have cruised with Cunard many times during their 28 years as a couple. From today, they are sailing together for the first time as Mr and Mrs Maloney.
Their wedding was conducted by Captain Kevin Oprey, seen after the ceremony (above) and greeting them as they boarded the ship in Southampton on Friday for the seven-day Transatlantic crossing to New York (below).
The couple say it wasn’t the opportunity to get married on the first anniversary of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton that persuaded them to take the plunge, but the chance to make history as the first couple to have the ceremony performed at sea on their favourite ship.
Denise likes to be at sea as much as she can in a year. “We have been on board QM2 many, many times, and for us the service and the quality are excellent. We are well looked after and respected. With all the glamour and nostalgia, it couldn’t be a better venue. It’s still jaw-dropping no matter how many times you visit.
“The best part is, you don’t just have the wedding day, you have the rest of the voyage to enjoy and the destination, which for us is New York.
“You have the excitement and the build-up of the wedding and it’s not over when the ceremony has finished as you are still on board with your friends and family.”
Bridesmaids were Lesley Walton and Jocelyn Hargreaves, who both work at the couple’s stables. Barry said the best part of the day was “having us all together, Denise and myself, with Lesley and Jocelyn, on Queen Mary 2 for our big day.”
There are, of course, no church bells in the middle of the Atlantic. To make up for that, Capt Oprey invited the couple onto the bridge to blow the ship’s whistle.

By | 2017-06-15T15:59:49+00:00 29 April 2012|Cruise News|5 Comments

About the Author:

John Honeywell is a travel writer specialising in cruise ships and cruise travel. Winner of CLIA UK's Contribution to Cruise award 2017.


  1. jessica preston 29 April 2012 at 10:35 pm - Reply

    Barry and denise are close friends of mine and I’m very pleased for both of them. Denise and barry I hope you have a wonderful time and ill come and see you when your home all the best from jessica and bump xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sharon Moss 30 April 2012 at 8:40 am - Reply

    Congratulations Denise & Barry on your fantastic wedding day, we could not imagine you getting married anywhere else but onboard a Cunard ship, you all looked beautiful. Love & best wishes Jacqueline, Sharon, & Ian and all the family. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. mel p 30 April 2012 at 8:53 am - Reply

    Barry and Denise are great friends of mine and they deserve all the happiness in the world , enjoy the rest of your time at see my friends and look forward to seeing you all back on dry land , i have put the link on my page so everyone can see how stunning you both look xxx miss you much love

  4. mel p 30 April 2012 at 8:56 am - Reply

    Barry and Denise are great friends of mine and they deserve all the happiness in the world , enjoy the rest of your time at see my friends and look forward to seeing you all back on dry land , i have put the link on my page so everyone can see how stunning you both look xxx miss you much love

  5. Cheryl Oprey 9 July 2012 at 6:35 am - Reply

    Barry and Denise are certainly a lovely couple, and it was delightful to have lunch with them both and their bridesmaids Lesley and Jocelyn on the Queen Mary 2 after their wedding, before the girls flew home from New York. We enjoyed another evening with them both at the Captain’s table for dinner on the journey back to Southampton. They were the perfect couple to be the first wedding onboard Queen Mary 2, and it was an absolute pleasure to meet them.
    Looking forward to sailing with them again in the future, anniversary maybe? Wishing them much love and happiness – Cheryl Oprey

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